Monday, September 21, 2009

What I Do . . .

So, mom is back to work full time and dad still is like he has been so here is what I do most of the day.

Look, no crate! I turned 2 July 5th (now that I think of it, I haven't put birthday party pics up, I will get to those next post) and just decided to chill out and catch up on all that sleep I missed being a crazy puppy. I guess my mom and dad like that too because they tell me I am so good and such a good Mustard that I get a daily Kong outside of my crate. Not that I didn't love my crate, but I like hanging out in the wide open house with my kitties. That way I can tattle on them when the humans come home.

Well, if you are ever wanting a visitor in the middle of the day, let me know. If you ever wonder what I do all day, just take a looksie at the picture above and you will know. Birthday pics to come next blog!

Till next time:)
Don't forget to love on and exercise your dogs!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Play dates with my faves

Since mom is only working part time this summer she and I have been playing a lot.  One of my favorite parts of summer is that I get to see my friends Jackson and MacKenzee along with the human Jill often.  Mom says soon I get to see them even more since we are moving near them!  Here are some pics of my play date with my two favorite german short hair pups.
So here Kenzee and I are playing tug-of-war.  We are all wet because we had also been swimming in our kiddie pool.

Once we get tired of playing with it, we EAT it!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Back to the blog!

Dead dog?

Nope, just exhausted!
I am so sorry I have been MIA for so long.  Anyways I think in order to post more often, I am going to take a new approach like my cousin Sherman.  More short stories and pictures.  So, if you want long stories you are going to have to call now!  So, my friend Blue and his mom and dad spent the weekend moving so Blue stayed the weekend with us.  My dad was gone, so it was me, mom and Blue.  We played, played and played finally, I crashed!  This is me sacked out on the couch.  I LOVE to sleep like this.  Fun times!  Miss you all.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The holiday season

A belated, but most loving and heart sent wish:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 

Sherman, Snak and Buster

And on with the post . . . .
Right before we left mom started making me my very own, homemade, peanut butter dog biscuits.  They are tasty!  We brought some along for Sherman and Snak and they loved them just like I do ( I knew they would).  She brought the bone cookie cutters and recipe along to Mimi's, so when we were there she taught Mimi how to make them so they can always have their own biscuits even after the ones my mom made them were gone.  I supervise when she makes the biscuits, you never know with my mom baking.

Since I last posted, we have gone and come back from Virginia.  I had so much fun!  I even liked riding in the car.  When I was at Mimi and Granddaddy's house everyone loved on me, played with me and spoiled me to pieces.  Here are some pictures of me with my new found extended family.  

Granddaddy is so much fun.  He loved to play with me.  Here he and I are playing tug-of-war one morning.  We played for almost an hour and as you can see from this picture, I am clearly winning.  I can't wait to see him again!  You have to bring your A game Granddaddy if you plan on trying to beat me at tug-of-war; let's have a rematch soon and see if you can beat me!

My aunt Lori is awesome!  She always wanted to take me outside when I rang the bell to potty and she loved to love on me just like the picture.  I hope she comes to visit me sometime at my house and I can show her what I do at home. 

Uncle Greg was a lot of fun too.  Here is a picture of him holding me back from getting into all the presents.  He liked me and played with me too, I am glad Aunt Lori brought him along.

The twins, Ashtyn and Dani were so much fun.  This is one of the few pictures of the girls and I, but boy did I love playing with them and just being near them.  Here I was working on the rope I got for Christmas from Mimi and Granddaddy and I just wanted to be with them.  Ashtyn and Dani  liked to help get energy out of me by walking me in circles around and around and around the couch.  I'm talking like 40 times!  Finally, I had enough and would sit, then they would walk the other direction around the couch and I would hop back up.  They also would make me do things like sit, down, and a dog parade for those yummy dog bones, it was fun!  I like those girls!  I hope they can come visit me at my house sometime so we can play in my backyard, walk around the lake, and walk circles around my coffee table.  I just love to be with them, they are my kind of people.

My cousin Sherman is one crazy puppy.   At first I don't think he was to sure of me, but I started playing with him from laying on the ground and being his height and I think he liked that.  He is a Rhodesian Ridgeback.  They say he is going to end up being about the same size as me.  FINALLY, the games will be fair an I won't have to lay down for him to play. We had a blast!  Everyday was puppy play time.  I loved waking up and playing with my cousin.  Sherman is a cool kid,  he is a young buck and has a great life to live and learn about the joys of being a spoiled, rotten dog like me!  I can't wait until he comes out to my house and I can show him my terf and how I live.

Here is how we play:
We share toys.

We get sent to our corners for getting to rough.  

We play tug-of-war (my favorite game).

And finally, we rest.

I miss you a lot cuz, come visit soon and stay as long as you want!

I also got to spend some great time with my Mimi and Aunt Gina, Aunt Bea and Aunt Chelsea but we don't have any pictures of us playing.  They are great girls too!  I just love my extended family!

I hope you all had as wonderful of a holiday as I did.  To all my great extended family please come visit me out here in Oklahoma, I love visitors and I can show you my house and what I do here!  

P.S. I miss you all TONS already.